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Kim Williams ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SuperStar Director


My Story

Hi! My name is Kim,
My Scentsy story

I don’t have an education. I don’t have any work experience (literally). I’m a single mom. I am a recovering addict.

I was in active addiction for 17 years. I was 33 when I got pregnant. I started using drugs at 16 yrs old, every day of my life, until I took that pregnancy test and saw it was positive. That’s when I stopped. If you do the math, that’s 17 years as an addict.

I was on income support (welfare) and joined in 2013.

My friend gave me a bunch of random cubes of wax and I fell in love with Sunkissed Citrus, I asked her how I can get a job doing what she does, I thought I had to APPLY to be a consultant.

I didn’t know what network marketing was. I was completely tech illiterate. I didn’t know anything about Social Media.

I didn’t know ANYBODY. Everyone I had known my whole life, I stopped talking to when I got clean, they definitely were not interested in Scented wax.

I struggled HARD. I had 1 friend... that’s it.

I have met so many amazing friends, because of Scentsy. Life changing.

I was set to go inactive in September. Still on income support and BROKE, I placed an order to stay active. Thats when I decided I needed to make this work. So I started using social media to share these amazing products... Scentsy.

My business literally blew up 2 months later. It took me 10 months to get my first team member, 14 months to get my first party booking, 2 years to promote to Director, 6.5 years to Star Director and 7 years to Superstar Director. I’m now the highest level of the company and I’m so grateful for this business.

My daughter saved my life and Scentsy changed my life. I honestly don’t know where I would be had I not asked about joining Scentsy. I literally started with nothing, I get the struggles, I get that it’s HARD.

I am proof that anything is possible if you stay consistent and you’re determined. If I can do this anyone can!

My Favourite Scents